Volunteering from the heart ♥️ is the core mission of Faith in Love, that is to give our time unconditionally to connect with another human being and being vulnerable to that connection. Let’s face it, face to face interactions have become more difficult and awkward these days when we’ve been primed by the social distance over the course of over three years of pandemic. Seeing someone without their mask, entering their homes, the unfamiliar sights and smells may take some getting used to. Once every fortnight Faith in Love hosts a volunteering event that allows volunteering veterans and general new comers alike to engage with the local community in Hong Kong. Our regular event is on the first sunday of each month at Choi Hung Estate 🌈. This usually starts mid-morning and involves visiting the lone elderly or elderly persons with disabilities. Volunteers are encouraged to chat with the community and report back to our service centre if there is something that concerns them, for example, signs that this person may need further assistance or follow up. Your visit may be the only time that month someone has interacted with this particular grannie. The grannies love it when young people visit, and sometimes they open up and talk about the good ol’ days as if it was just yesterday. What stories did you hear?
If you’d like to sign up as a volunteer, please click here. To find out more about our schedule of events, please follow our facebook page.